Sustainability in Tech – The Future of Fashion, Textiles, and Electronics with Wearable Tech – online, 4 Feb 6-7:30 CET

What role can wearable and close-to-body technologies play in ensuring that the fashion, textiles, and electronics industries are sustainable? Hellen van Rees will be part of the expert panel alongside Max Marwede, researcher at Fraunhofer IZM & Maria Smolander, senior research scientist at VTT.

Sustainability is important to early adopters and trendsetters of new technologies: it is the basis of success and acceptance of up-and-coming products. But sustainability does not come out of anywhere and must be included in a product’s early stages. In the fashion, textile, and electronics industries, there is a growing movement for change, to ensure that these industries reduce their societal and ecological footprint. 

These industries are amongst the most wasteful industries in the world, using enormous quantities of water, oil, and energy to produce items that are easily discarded and replaced. They are gripped by overproduction to keep up with ever-changing consumer trends. We are excited to show you more about how wearable and close-to-body technologies
can reduce waste, and give rise to new, sustainable business practices and products.

The online event is free, you can find it HERE.