On 1 March 2021, television broadcaster BNNVARA will launch a programme called ‘We Gaan Het Maken!’ (We’re going to make it!) on the NPO 1 channel. In this programme, researchers/creators help people with disabilities to find a solution that will change their lives. Hellen van Rees was asked by the University of Twente to participate, since she’s a frequent collaborator in several UT projects.
Together with presenter Patrick Lodiers and armed with the latest techniques in their field, researchers Edwin Dertien, Wouter Eggink, Khiet Truong, Arjan van Hessen, Renee Molman, Astrid Poot and Hellen van Rees try to make the impossible possible. The programme provides a glimpse into the creative minds of people who dare to pioneer and are not afraid to tackle problems that others think are unsolvable.
There are four episodes of ‘We Gaan Het Maken’ they air on Monday evenings at 21.25h on BNNVARA NPO1, starting the 1st of March.
Join the University of Twente Watch Party and watch together!
We are organising a ‘We Gaan Het Maken’ Watch Party for all UT employees, students, alumni and business relations. There will be a discussion with the researchers who participated in the programme prior to the broadcast, when we will ask them what it was like and what their favourite or most difficult moment was. After the broadcast there will be a question-and-answer session with Edwin Dertien. Do you want to join us and ask your own questions during this programme? Sign up for the Watch Party | 1 March 2021 | 20.45
Below is the full list of episodes:
•Ep. 1 Edwin Dertien helps Johannes, A bird watcher with a muscle disease who wants to be able to operate his camera and Renee Molman helps Juli who can’t swim independently, because of her connective tissue disorder (1st March)
•Ep. 2 Wouter Eggink helps Esther, she has no lower legs and fingers and wants to be able to get up stairs. Hellen van Rees helps Wouter who can’t go outside because of his Lupus (8th March)
•Ep. 3 Edwin Dertien starts with a game controler for Mark who has a muscle disease. Kieth Truong and Arjan van Hessen make a voice computer for Joël who’s unable to make himself comprehendible because of a cerebral palsy (15th March)
•Ep. 4 Edwin Dertien continues with the controller for Mark. Hellen van Rees wants to develop a coat for Nynke who is unable to put her coat on and off because of her muscle disease. Astrid Poot helps Camiel who’s wheelchair bound and can’t visit the toilet by himself (22nd March).